ACC 111 | Introduction to Accounting I | 3 | Compulsory |
BUS 111 | Introduction to Business | 3 | Compulsory |
ECO 111 | Principles of Economics I (Micro) | 3 | Compulsory |
BFN 112 | Introduction to Quantitative Methods I | 3 | Compulsory |
HRM 111 | Introduction to Behavioural Science I | 3 | Compulsory |
POL 111 | Introduction to Political Science | 3 | Compulsory |
GST 111 | Use of English | 2 | |
GST 112 | Introduction to Philosophy and Logic | 2 | |
Total | 22 |
ACC 121 Introduction to Accounting II Compulsory 3
ECO 121 Principles of Economics II (Macro) “ 3
HRM 121 Introduction to Behavioural Science II “ 3
POL 121 Basic Forms and Organization of Government “ 3
BFN 121 Introduction to Quantitative Methods II “ 3
ENT 121 Foundation Course in Entrepreneurial Studies “ 2
GST 121 Peace Studies and conflicts resolution “ 2
GST 122 Nigeria Peoples and Culture “ 2
GST 123 The History and Philosophy of Science “ 2
Total 23
ENT 211 Measuring Organizational Success Compulsory 3
ENT 212 Computer Appreciation “ 3
ENT 213 Introduction to Entrepreneurial Financing “ 3
ENT 214 Entrepreneurial Marketing “ 3
ENT 215 Theories of Entrepreneurship “ 3
BFN 211 Introduction to Financial Management I “ 3
BUS 211 The Practice of Management “ 3
GST111/112 General Studies for Direct Entry Students “ 4
Total 21/25
ENT 221 Entrepreneurship Venture and Change Compulsory 2
ENT 222 Start up Funding “ 2
ENT 223 Industrial Learning and Tours “ 3
ENT 224 Biographical Studies of Entrepreneurial “ 3
Thinkers and Giants
ENT 225 Element of Book-keeping II “ 2
BFN 221 Introduction to Financial Management II “ 3
BUS 221 Principles of Management “ 3
GST121/122/123 General Studies for Direct Students only “ 6
Total 18/24
ENT 311 Elements of Psychology Compulsory 2
ENT 312 Elements of Human Resources Management “ 2
ENT 313 Sociology of Entrepreneurship “ 3
ENT 314 Small Scale Business Management “ 3
ENT 315 Commercial Law “ 3
ENT 316 Natural Resource Management “ 2
ENT 317 Events Management “ 3
BFN 311 Business Finance “ 3
CED 300 Entrepreneurship Development “ 2
Total 23
ENT 321 Internship with an Organizational/Tours 3
ENT 322 Feasibilities and Business Planning “ 3
ENT 323 SME Sector Studies “ 3
ENT 324 Family Business and Succession Planning “ 3
ENT 325 Cultural Change/Entrepreneurship “ 3
ENT 326 Leadership and Corporate Government “ 2
BUS 322 Research Methods “ 3
ENL 321 Business Communication “ 3
Total 23
ENT 411 Project Management Compulsory 3
ENT 412 Rethinking Traditional Occupations “ 2
ENT 413 Human and Organizational Behaviour “ 3
ENT 414 E-Business “ 2
ENT 415 Seminar in Entrepreneurship “ 2
ENT 416 Technology Entrepreneurship and
Intellectual Property Rights “ 3
ENT 417 Strategic Thinking/Problem Solving/
Negotiation Skills “ 3
ENT 418 Social Entrepreneurship Community
Development “ 3
Total 21
ENT 421 Research for Enterprise (Project) Compulsory 3
BFN 422 Capital Market and Portfolio Theory “ 3
ENT 423 Management of Creativity and Innovation “ 3
ENT 424 Venture Creation and Growth “ 2
ENT 425 Entrepreneurship and Gender Issues “ 2
ENT 426 Globalization and National Policies “ 3
ENT 427 Risk Management and Insurance “ 3
ENT 428 Corporate Development: Mergers and
Acquisition “ 2
Total 21
ACC 111 – Introduction to Accounting 3 Credits/Units
This foundation course in Accounting aims at exposing the student to the Basic techniques of classification and recording the different types of costs and revenues associated with transactions and simple financial reports. Topics covered include basic accounting concepts, procedures and practices, bookkeeping (books of primary entry, ledgers, reconciliation, statements etc), the trial balance, uses of suspense accounts, preparation of financial statements, differences between cash discount and trade discount, reserves and provisions, etc.
BUS 111: INTRODUCTION TO Business 1 3 Credits/Units
The object of this course and Bus 121 is to introduce the student to the elements of Business Administration. Topics covered include: concept and survey of business, the modern business world, the composition, nature and function of the business organization as well as its role as a social and economic unit.
ECO 111: Principles of Economics I (Micro) 3 Credits/Units
This is essentially an introductory course which focuses on microeconomic theory. Topics covered include the theory of production, factors of production, theories of demand, supply and price. Theories of consumer behavior, theory of the firm, cost of production pricing and output under perfect competition. Monopoly, monopolistic competition and oligopoly. It includes the theory of distribution.
BFN 112: Introduction to Quantitative Methods I 3 Credits/Units
This course deals with basic calculus necessary for analyzing and understanding many aspects of economic theory. A brief review of elementary algebra and geometry is desirable. Contents include the number system, exponents and roots, equations, simultaneous and quadratic equations, logarithms, functions of one variable, free optimization (maxima and minima) functions of several variable-partial differentiations, integral calculus. All topics are to include relevant business applications. The second aspect of this course introduces the students to the principles of production planning and control, concept, production systems, types of production management” decision making in production management, plant location, plant layout, product and process
design and application of case analysis.
POL 111: Introduction to Political Science 3 Credits/Units
The course induces students to the nature of politics, its organization and to study. Emphasis is placed on the foundation of politics as a system of political life. The course also acquaints students with the problem of application of the scientific method to the study of politics, to the history and various approaches of the subject matter and to a number of basic concepts in political science.
HRM 111: Introduction to Behavioural Science I 3 Credits/Units
This course introduces the students to the essence and foundations of the behavioral sciences. It exposes the student to relevant areas of knowledge in the fields of psychology sociology, political science, economics, philosophy and history. It is designed to provide the students with the key concepts for understanding, describing, analyzing and predicting behavior in a variety of work settings, particular attention is paid to such issues as the meaning and dimensions of behavior and emotions, the nature of individuals and individual differences, personality theories, motivation, perception and social behavior and interaction, and psychopathological states.
GST 111: Use of English 2 Credits/Units
Effective communication and writing in English. Study skills, language skill. Writing of essay, instructions on tense sentence construction outlines and paragraph.
GST 112: Philosophy and Logic 2 Credits/Units
A brief survey of the many branches of philosophy, symbolic logic, special symbols in symbolic logic; condition, negation, affirmation, disjunction, equivalence and conditional statement of laws of thought. The method of
deduction using of inference and grow conditions. Quantification theory.
ACC 121: Introduction to Accounting II 3 Credits/Units
Prerequisite: ACC III
More detailed analysis of topics discussed in ACC III attention will be focused on the preparation and presentation of simple financial statement for sole trader, partnerships and limited liability companies. There is also a discussion of the elementary accounting theory relating to depreciation and inventory of bookkeeping,
introduction to manual mechanical and electrical system of bookkeeping.
ECO 121: Principles of Economics II (Macro) 3 Credit/Units
Introduction to Macroeconomics: National Income Determination the Public Sector in the National Economy, Macroeconomic Policy Objectives and Instruments, Introduction to Money and Banking, Introduction to Economic
Growth and Development. Trade Politics with Particular reference to Nigeria.
HRM 121: Introduction to Behavioural Science I 3 Credits/Units
This is a continuation of BUS 121, Attention here is focused on groups and group dynamics, the organizational work context of behavior, power, politics and decision making in organizations, leadership and communication,
organization development and change, the structure and development of attitudes, morality, aggression and equity in society, and knowledge and its social as well as ideological basis. With the help of conceptual analysis based on experiential learning the student is helped to understand the behavioural foundations of organizational functioning.
POL 121: Basic Forms and Organization of Government 3 Credits/Units
The course identifies and introduces students to the basic forms of government and the variety of their organization. Various regimes are identifies and compared in terms of their institutional similarities and the basic ideas on which the regimes are founded. Students are also introduced to the principles comparative government, and to the similarities and dissimilarities in political values, institutional arrangements, bureaucratic structures, leadership and administrative styles.
BFN 121: Introduction to Quantitative Methods II 3 Credits/Units
This course is an extension of ACC 112 and it is in two parts. The first part completes the course on calculus by examining functions of several variables.
Specific topics include total differentiation, free optimization of functions of several variables and constrained optimization-method of substitution and Lagrange multipliers. The second part of the course concentrates on linear algebra-vectors direction and magnitude of growth and development in developed and developing countries such as Nigeria. The third aspect of the course handles further principles of production planning and control. Topics covered in this area include the following planning, the nature and purpose of planning, strategic planning, premising forecasting and rules forecasting, demand forecasting, planning for production, linear programming models, planning, organizing and controlling the conversion process, the strategic rules of operations, some important trade up decision in manufacturing, operations analysis, planning for operations, job design, production/operation standards and work measurement.
ENT 121: Foundation Course in Entrepreneurial Studies 2 Credits/Units
The Historical and Economic role of Entrepreneurship Theory and the Practice of Entrepreneurship. Starting and managing a new enterprise. Characteristics of entrepreneurs, the identification and evaluation of new venture opportunities, resource utilization, strategy development and successful planning, implementing and launching of new business venture. Analysis of case studies and developing of detail business plan for starting and owning and enterprise.
GST 121: Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution 2 Credits/Units
Basic Concepts in the peace studies and Conflict Resolution, Peace as vehicle of unity and development, conflict issues. Root causes of conflicts and violence in Africa, Indigene/settler phenomenon, peace-building, Management of conflict and security. Element of peace – building, Management of conflict and security. Element of peace studies and conflict resolution, Developing a culture of peace, Peace mediation and peace-keeping, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). Dialogue/arbitration in conflict resolution. Role of international organizations
in conflict resolution e.g. ECOWAS, African Union, United Nations, etc.
GST 122: Nigerian People and Culture 2 Credits/Units
Study of Nigerian history, culture and arts in pre-colonial times, Nigerian’s perception of his world, culture areas of Nigeria and their characteristics, Evolution of Nigeria as a political unit, Indigene/settler phenomenon. Concepts
of trade, Economic self-reliance, Social justice, Individual and national development, Norms and Values, Negative attitudes and conducts (cultism and related vices). Re-orientation of moral Environmental problems.
GST 123: History and Philosophy of Science 2 Credits/Units
Man, his origin and nature of man, his cosmic environment, scientific methodology, science and technology in the society and service of man renewable and non-renewable man and his wasted resources. Environmental
effects of chemicals, plastics, textiles, waste and other materials. Chemical and radio chemical hazards, introduction in other various areas of science and technology.
ENT 211: Measuring Organizational Success 3 Credits/Units
This course is designed to enable students appreciate first hand basic organizational success factors through attachment and placement under industry and faculty supervision. The Student or team of students is expected to focus on problem areas and design/proffer solutions which are sent back to the industry for implementation. The result of this case study is discussed at faculty/departmental seminars for peer review.
ENT 212: Computer Appreciation 3 Credits/Units
Introduction to computer, Types, development. Fundamentals of Data Processing brief history and conventional data processing methods. Manual methods and mechanized methods. Data processing and Management
Information Systems (MIS). The organization of MIS including the use of mechanical and electronic accounting machines, flow charting and the principles of systems design and documentation. Computer and Data
Processing – evolution of the Computer and the Computer system Input, output and central processing unit. Hardware and Software, Introduction to common Computer Programming languages used in business Application software. Excel, the Internet and the web.
ENT 213: Introduction to Entrepreneurial Financing 3 Credits/Units
This topic examines the elements of entrepreneurial financing, focusing on technology-based start- up ventures and new ways of creating value; addresses key questions which challenge all entrepreneurs: how much money can and should be raised, when should it be raised and from whom, what is a reasonable valuation of the company, and how funding, employment contracts and exit decisions should be structured. It also aims at preparing students for these decisions, both as entrepreneurs and venture capitalists. It includes start –up
funding how students can optimize the use of outside advisors and to negotiate effective long-term relationships with sources of funding, including, but not limited to, venture capital. Students interact with founders, angels, venture capitalists and other professionals throughout the semester.
ENT 214: Entrepreneurial Marketing 3 Credits/Units
Introduction to marketing, the marketing mix, concept of consumer satisfaction. Teaches students to do rigorous, explicit, customer-based marketing analysis, which is most appropriate for new ventures. This course also discusses ways to implement marketing strategies when resources are very limited. The practical aspect would relate to how to develop and market various forms of business and social organizations.
ENT 215: Theories of Entrepreneurship 3 Credits/Units
The study of entrepreneurship is based on different theories and the contributions made by different theorists to entrepreneurship development. This course is aimed at exploring these theories from a multidisciplinary
perspective and help students to have proper understanding of the different contributions made by these theorists to entrepreneurship development. The application of these theories to the local environment and their implications.
BFN 211: Introduction to Financial Management I 3 Credits/Units
The emphasis in this course will be to provide the required framework for the rapid understanding of finance. Topics covered in this course are meaning and goals of finance, nature and scope of finance, mathematics of finance, capital budgeting (risk return trade-off), source of business finance and uncertainty. Cash flow forecasting techniques for project evaluation cost of capital, financial leverage, capital structure theories, risk analysis and measurement.
BUS 211: The Practice of Management 3 Credits/Units
Basic Concepts in Management: Management Principles, Functions of the Manager. Planning, Nature and Purpose the organizing function; Department. Line and Staff Authority, Staffing and Directing: Selection of Employees and
Managers, Appraisal of Managers, Management Development, Nature of Directing, Motivation Leadership Controlling: the Control Process, Control technique, recent developments in the control Function. The Nigerian
environment: management problems in Nigeria, Challenges of Indigenization, transferability of Management system.
GST 111/112: General Studies for Direct Entry Students 4 Credits/Units
ENT 221: Entrepreneurship Venture and Change Management
2 Credit/Units
This course exposes students to the need for organizational transformation required for value creation and competitiveness in the changing world of business. Topics will cover new management challenges and poor corporate outlook in Nigeria; models of change, phases of change, resistance to change and overcoming or managing resistance to change. Current issues in change management.
ENT 222: Start-up Funding 2 Credit/Units
Prepares students to optimize the use of outside advisers and to negotiate effective long-term relationships with sources of funding, including, but not limited to venture capital. Students interact with founders, angels, venture
capitalists and other professionals throughout the semester.
ENT 223: Industrial Learning and Tours 3 Credits/Units
This course unit is expected to expose students to the practical aspect of Entrepreneurship and management. The course involves two facets: industry training and foreign study tours. Students are expected to participate in any of the two facets. In industry training, students will be grouped and assigned to a specific trade based on their preferences. The group spends at least two hours weekly in the workshop or business premises. The course facilitator provides general guidance while the industry practitioners render skill acquisition and mentoring. A group paper will be submitted at the end of the course. Students who attend a Foreign Business Study Tour will be required to present a detailed report of their experience.
ENT 224: Biographical Studies of Entrepreneurial Thinkers and Giants
3 Credit/Units
Students will be made to study the lives and characters of different world class entrepreneurs in the various disciplines. This will enable them to know the secret behind their success and why some of them failed. Special attention will be given to indigenous entrepreneurs. Introduction to Entrepreneurial Venture.
The Scope of business/social ventures, the Character of ventures from social legal and economic perspectives. Forms of ownership. Organization and Management. Marketing, Production, Finance and According Functions.
Government and Business. The Social responsibility of business. International business. Problems of Nigerian enterprises. The concept of Social Good, the creation of social networks, NGOs and practice in evolving non-profit
ENT 225: Elements of Book-keeping II 2 Credit/Units
Methods of Recording Accounting Data: manual and mechanical Trading and Profit and Loss Accounts and Balance Sheets of a sole trader. Accounting Treatment of Control Accounts and Bank Reconciliations. Elementary Break Even Analysis.
BFN 221: Introduction to Financial Management II 3 Credit/Units
Nature of Financial Management, shareholders wealth. Risk and Return, portfolio theory and Capital Asset Pricing Model, Capital markets, Capital budgeting decisions, Cost of capital, financial and operating leverage, capital
structure theories and planning, Dividend theories and policy. Working capital management, Micro financing. International project funding methods and sources available to entrepreneurs.
BUS 221: Principles of Management 3 Credit/Units
The course is a general introduction to the concept, principle, processes and significance of management in the concept of a changing socio-economic environment particularly in developing nations. Topics are: the theories of
management such as the scientific management, human relations, system and contingency theories. Others are theory X and Y, managerial and participative models, management by objectives, quantitative arid behavioural control models.
GST 121, 122, 123 /General Studies for Direct Entry Students
6 Credit/Units
ENT 311: Elements of Psychology 2 Credit/Units
The objective of this course is to identify the inputs of the field of psychology to the emergence of academic discourse in entrepreneurship discipline. The course will expose students to trait theories, personality theories and other relevant theories that have served as explanatory tools in entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial behaviours.
ENT 312: Element of Human Resources Management 2 Credit/Units
This course is designed to enable students appreciate the importance of human capital and how to develop people’s capacity to achieve results. Topics will cover the structure and programme for managing human resources, manpower and appraisal, wage and salary administration, job evaluation, incentives and
benefits. It also covers issues related to good governance. Topics will include an overview of leadership, theories of leadership, the concept of the servant leader, leaders as change agents and problems of leadership in Nigeria. The course will also cover issues on transparency, accountability, due process and global perspectives of good governance.
ENT 313: Sociology of Entrepreneurship 3 Credit/Units
This course will explore the dimensions of culture to the practice of entrepreneurship. Attention will be given to the works of theorists and sociologists who have made contributions in this field. A comparison of supply and demand perspectives will be undertaken to appraise how they contribute to the emergence of entrepreneurs in the society with particular reference to the Nigerian society. This course will also identify and discuss how changes in the experience of people, entity or society impact on their entrepreneurial orientation. The course is designed to enable students appreciate their culture and learn from other cultures. Reference will be made to particular experiences that have affected entrepreneurial practices of groups in the Nigerian society.
ENT 314: Small Scale Business Management 3 Credit/Units
The objective of the course is to give students an insight into the operations and management of small business. Topics will cover an overview of small business in the Nigerian economy; definition of small business; state and trend of small business; financial and administrative control; future of small business; and legal dimensions in the management of small business. Sources of business opportunities and the difference between ideas and opportunities. It will also consider strategies for scanning and evaluating business opportunities. It challenged students to think beyond family government, national borders in the search for social or economic opportunities.
ENT 315: Commercial Law 3 Credits/Units
The Nigerian Legal System. Sources of Nigerian Law, Hierarchy of Nigerian court Commercial arbitration, Law of Contracts, Commercial Contracts; Commercial Relations between Persons; Unfair Competition Passing off and
“Trade Libel” Company Law Introduction to Company law Powers and Functions of Directors. Introduction to Company Law. Powers and Functions of Directors. Introduction to Taxation Laws: Company Registration.
ENT 316: Natural Resources Management 2 Credit/Units
This course is designed to enable students to appreciate the resource endowments of Nigeria and how mineral resources could be better managed to achieve growth and human and economic development.. Identification of the various mineral resources available in Nigeria. Topics shall cover an overview of Nigeria’s resources, mining and oil gas exploration, socio-cultural issues in mineral exploration, resource allocation and misapplication of resources.
ENT 317: Events Management 3 Credit/Units
This course will undertake the understanding of event management using project management concept. Topics will cover an overview of what an event is, the need for the event, and parties involved. Also to be discussed are the roles of stakeholders such as the sponsor, the team leader, team members and the client/market. Packaging events and post even activities. Identification of events and their requirements for a successful outings event markets and shopping.
BFN 311: Business Finance 3 Credit/Units
The emphasis in this course will be to provide the required framework for the rapid understanding of finance. Topics covered in this course are the meaning and goals of finance, mathematics of finance, capital budgeting (under risk), cash flow forecasting technique for project evaluation, cost of capital, financial leverage, capital structure theories, risk analysis and measurement. It is aimed at preparing the students in the techniques of financial management, investment, capital marketing and institutions, and corporate finance. Topics covered are type and sources of funds, inventory management, management of debtors, cash management, cash budgeting, fund flow statement, breakeven analysis, ratio analysis, dividend policy and internal financing, capital market
operations in Nigeria, security analysis, and company valuation.
CED 300: Entrepreneurship Development 2 Credit/Units
This course introduces students into Entrepreneurship and corporate governance. This course exposes the students into entrepreneurship and business opportunities for accounting major both at the local and international levels. Topics include definition, concept and classes of entrepreneurship, its phases, entrepreneurial window, youth entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial agencies, challenges, economic & socio entrepreneurship, consultancies, services, various forms of business (one man, partnership & company). Business formation, Business incorporation, company quotation, seeking for quotation, entrepreneurial idea generation, screening of ideas, business plan, feasibility studies, non-auditing services, pricing of services, management of resources, source/types of entrepreneurial funds, etc. marketing of products/services. Various forms of financial/management consultancy services.
Functional areas of business, corporate winding up Nigerian financial systems, international markets, models of corporate governance, corporate governance framework, issues in corporate governance, and effect of corporate governance on growth and development, management role in corporate governance, a study of corporate government in Nigeria etc.
ENT 321: Internship with and Organization/Tours 3 Credit/Units
This course is designed to enable students appreciate first hand basic organizational success factors through attachment and placement under industry and faculty supervision. The student or team of students is expected to focus on problem areas and design/proffer solutions which are sent back to the industry for implementation. The result of this case study is discussed at faculty/departmental seminars for peer review.
ENT 322: Feasibilities and Business Planning 3 Credit/Units
This course deals with business plan within task groups from the concept to all elements of a professionally written business plan. This course affords students high interaction with businesses and entrepreneurs to further refine and improve their plans and/or prepare for national business plan competitions. This component also consists in practical evaluation of students dream businesses and career life, exposition on how best to prepare feasibility report and appraisal of projects before investment and project evaluation techniques traditional
methods such as Accounting Rate of Return (ARR), Pay Back Period (PBP), Net present Value (NPV) Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Profitability Index (PI).
ENT 323: SME: Sector Studies 3 Credit/Units
The role of the entrepreneur in small business, defining characteristics of small and medium sized Enterprise (SME), formation, growth, and failures of SMEs. Role of entrepreneur and owner managers in SME development, the finance of small business in theory and practice, marketing, planning for small business in theory and practice, marketing, planning for small firms; employee relation, support infrastructure for SMEs, research and media coverage of SMEs issues, the role of government and small business in Nigeria, the future of SMEs in Nigeria. Case studies on SMEs in Nigeria.
ENT 324: Family Businesses and Succession Planning 3 Credit/Units
Family-controlled businesses are characterized by challenges that threaten their continuity and district core competencies that can result in unique competitive advantages. The course will examine family business continuity, challenges and best management and governance practices of leading family owned
businesses. Identification of some local family businesses and factors responsible for their success and failure.
ENT 325: Cultural Change and Entrepreneurship 3 Credit/Units
This course will identify and discuss how changes in the experience of people, entity or society impart on their entrepreneurial orientation. The course is designed to enable students appreciate their culture and learn from other cultures. Reference will be made to particular experiences that have affected entrepreneurial practices of groups in the Nigerian society.
ENT 326: Leadership and Corporate Governance 2 Credits/Units
This course exposes students to the leadership question. It also covers issues related to good governance. Topics will include an overview of leadership, theories of leadership, the concept of the servant leader, leaders as change
agents and problems of leadership in Nigeria. The course will also cover issues on transparency, accountability, due process and global perspectives of good governance.
BUS 322: Research Methods 3 Credits/Units
Skills of scientific Investigation, information Gathering, Analysis and interpretation in dealing with business and organizational behavior problems in Nigeria; the art of problem identification and analysis, data gathering, the
appropriate use of the questionnaire, analysis and report writing; the problems and prospects of business research in a seller’s market like Nigeria.
ENL 321: Business Communications 3 Credits/Units
This course is divided into four parts.
Part A: General Introduction to communication. Topics include:
communication system, modes and networks: definition of communication, elements of communication process, differences among oral, written and non verbal communication, formal communication system, vertical, horizontal and quasi vertical, semi formal and informal communication systems, barriers and limitations to effective communication, analysis of attitude, feelings and objectives of self and other people to reference to conflict and conflict resolution, motivation to work as well as interpretation of technical and non technical information.
Part B: Basic communication skills: Topics includes, listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Part C: Language skills: Topics includes, vocabulary, parts of speech (from, meaning, usage), sentences (types and functions), tense distinction, concord (grammatical, notional, proximity) mechanics (paragraphing , punctuation, marks, and spellings), direct and reported speech, common errors, pronunciation (word stress, sentence stress, notation, minimal pairs, homophones, etc.).
Part D: Topic in this part includes comprehension and summary, essay writing, speech making, correspondence (letter, memo, circular), meetings (notice, agenda, and minuets), report writing, and advertisement.
ENT411: Project Management 3 Credit/Units
Project concept, planning (usage of various charts), team, cost, and procurement. Project implementation strategy reporting monitoring and evaluation, developing and usage of project management template. Project
measurement, accounting for delays and abandonment of projects in Nigeria. Current success and failure, factors of projects in Nigeria,. Students are expected to identify some traditional projects in their locality. Project outcomes and impact on the society.
ENT 412: Rethinking Traditional Occupations 3 Credit/Units
The aim of this course is to examine the various occupations engaged by ordinary people within a specified locality. This will entail identifying local talents, skills and competencies required for the production of goods and
services. The aim is to explore ways of developing such competencies into formal ventures capable of achieving sustainable growth and competitiveness. It is expected that students would use insight from the course to convert local knowledge and expertise into a prosperous business ventures. Equally, they would be equipped with various tools of promoting local businesses required for policy measures aimed at economic transformation.
ENT 413: Human and Organizational Behaviour 3 Credit/Units
This course seeks as examine organizations as well as describe ways that human factors can be managed to increase organizational effectiveness. Topics will include an overview of organizational behavior, a consideration of contributions of behavioral sciences to the field of organizational behavior, personality theories, communication, power and control.
ENT 414: E-Business 2 Credit/Units
This course is intended to equip students with the broad knowledge of electronic commerce. Topic will cover concept definitions, an overview of internet and mobile telecommunication, importance of e-business, website design, internet advertisements, achieving competitive advantages using E-adverts, online sales, E-payments. ATM, debt and credit cards. Students are expected to be exposed to practical applications.
ENT 415: Seminars in Entrepreneurship Development 3 Credit/Units
Students are expected to select an area of interest to undertake research in the field of entrepreneurship. They are expected to apply their knowledge gained from the courses in the programme to develop a business plan to start a new business, including a review of prior successful and failed businesses. Students are expected to present their seminar papers in the Centre for grading.
ENT 416: Technological Entrepreneurship and Intellectual Property
Rights 3 Credit/Units
The course seeks to demystify technological entrepreneurship by dwelling on the creative process essential for developing high-tech ventures. An overview of the field of entrepreneurial theory and practice for development and growth of technology-based new enterprises will be undertaken Key strategic decisions investors ad scientists take at each stage in the chain will be discussed. It will also define what an intellectual property is and how it is protected,: discuses the Nigerian copyrights laws; and explore how to protest original ideas, concepts
and products as well as explore how to protect original ideas, concepts and products as well as enterprise from piracy. Impact of technology on our society. Identification and Exploration of indigenous technology.
ENT 417: Strategic Thinking, Problem Solving and Negotiation Skills
3 Credit/Units
This course is designed to develop the right mindset in students to challenge the status quo and develop the right attitude to build innovative organizations.
Topics will cover an overview of the traditional thinking process (horizontal), its strengths and weaknesses, lateral thinking perspective, analysis of the different views about thinking, the interface among thinking, problem solving and negotiation skills
ENT 418: Social Entrepreneurship Community Development
3 Credit/Units
This course explores the innovative concepts, practices and strategies related to Social Entrepreneurship. It attempts to instill social entrepreneurial attitude by challenging students’ current thinking and assumptions about what works and why and how to fix identified needs in the community. The essence is to enable students’ think of ways of creating social ventures and organizations that will address environmental issues, politics, crime, poverty, diseases and violence in the society.
ENT 421: Research for Enterprise (Project) 3 Credit/Units
This is a practical project that involves sending students to the field to search for a business idea, new product, or a new market, new users of existing products and services. Students should present a research-based report of not less than 2,000 words at the end of the session.
BFN 422: Capital Market and Portfolio Theory 3 Credit/Units
Study of portfolio selection and management. Risk and Returns. Potential Study of various investments, forecasting returns on individual portfolios. Stock Exchange: Growth, Structure, Performance in Nigeria. Capital Market Theory and current state of empirical evidence of Models for evaluation portfolio performance. The course focuses on Efficient Market Hypothesis, Fundamental and Technical analyses, the role of information in pricing and taking positions. It covers the development and use of portfolio theory from Markowitz to CAPM and APT.
ENT 423: Management of Creativity and Innovation 3 Credit/Units
This course will define innovation, nature and types of innovation and strategies for financing innovation. The students will be exposed to methods of innovation in existing businesses in areas of new users of their products, new uses, and future prospects of innovation Strategic Thinking Problem Solving and Negotiation Skills. The course is also designed to develop the right mindset in students to challenge the status quo and develop the right attitude to built innovative organizations. It will cover an overview of the traditional thinking process (horizontal), its strengths and weaknesses, lateral thinking perspective; analysis of the different view about thinking, the interface among thinking, problem solving and negotiation skills.
ENT 424: Venture Creation Growth 3 Credit/Units
This course introduces students to the basics ideas of standing a business and how to use value chain analysis to discover a profitable venture. It also introduces students to the need to become self-employed, how to generate
business ideas, how to overcome environmental challenges and how to source funds. Topic will cover business location, marketing, record keeping and financial discipline, business registration, and how to grow modern businesses. At the end of the course, students will be able to conceptualize a business idea and prepare a good feasibility study.
ENT 425: Entrepreneurship and Gender Issues 3 Credit/Units
This course is aimed at helping students to understand gender as a factor in entrepreneurship discourse. Gender theories will be considered and the place of women in entrepreneurship will be discussed. The course will focus on women empowerment using tested tools. This course explores the innovative concepts, practices and strategies related to Social Entrepreneurship. It attempts to instill social entrepreneurial attitude by challenging students’ current thinking and assumptions about what works and why and how to fix identified needs in the community. The essence is to enable students’ think of ways of creating social ventures and organizations that will address environmental issues, politics, crime, poverty, diseases and violence in the society.
ENT 426: Globalization and National Policies 3 Credit/Units
This course will consider opportunities and risks firms face in today’s global world. Also to be considered are conceptual tools for analyzing how governments and social institution influence economic competition earning
firms in different national settings, and public policies and institutions in developed and emerging markets. This will challenge students to conceptualize how to change public policies in line with global trend. Globalization and its impact on the entrepreneur.
ENT 427: Risk Management and Insurance 3 Credits/Units
The concept of Risk. The function of risk in insurance management. The application of risk control and financing. The private insurance industries, regulation of insurance industry, legal considerations, managing personal risk, social insurance programs.
ENT 428: Mergers, Acquisitions and Business Takeovers 3 Credit/Units
This course address the need for cooperation and understanding growth and expansion strategy, consolidation of core corporate activities, streamlining of input and output sources through merger acquisition, exploring competitive advantage in process and products development.
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